How to Choose A Good Wine Glass
2018-09-06 10:52:44   Reading volume:1817

Choose two different types or sizes of wineglasses. Select smaller wineglasses for white wine and larger glasses for red wine. Generally, more full-bodied wines work best in slightly larger glasses while lighter, fruitier wines can do well in smaller glasses. The reason that white wine glasses need to be smaller is that white wine should not warm up too much before it is consumed. As for the size of red wine glasses, the more generous, the better, to allow for a third fill and the rest of the glass permitting aeration.

We’re only half joking. Wine in a plastic cup on vacation always tastes delicious, and the tumblers at our favorite Italian place are just fine with that big carafe of rustic red wine. It’s also true, though, that an elegant, comfortable and well-designed glass can make the experience of wine that much more pleasant. And there’s good news here: There has never been a wider selection of good stemware available at affordable prices.

For almost a decade now, our everyday glass has been Spiegelau “Vino Grande” Burgundy, which is so comfortable to us that it seems like an old shoe. Everybody needs new shoes from time to time, though, so we decided it was time to conduct a broad search to find a new everyday glass. We shopped in person and online.

While there are many different kinds of glasses for many different kinds of wine — flutes for sparklers, small glasses for dessert wine and some boast that they deliver specific wines best to specific taste buds and so on — everyone needs a good, solid, everyday glass to use for both reds and whites without thinking about it. You know: the kind of stemware you just reflexively pick up when you come home after a long day. That’s what we were looking for in this tasting. Here were our parameters as we searched:

– Twenty ounces or more. We like large bowls in which our small pour of wine, whether red or white, has plenty of room to breathe and we can swish and swirl to our hearts’ content. We eliminated any glass that was less than 20 ounces or, online, didn’t reveal the size.

– Clear glass. We want to see our wine. In addition, thin glass is better than thick glass because we like to taste wine instead of glass and thick stemware can get heavy.

– Long stem so we can hold it comfortably. Those stemless tumblers we see at restaurants sometimes are fun as a change of pace, but we wouldn’t use them as everyday glasses.

– Slight inward curve at the top. This focuses the aromas.

A nice set of stemware is consistently a acceptable allowance — for novices or experts, for humans who accept few glasses in the abode or many. As wine lovers, we can assure you that we can never accept abundant accustomed glasses. But don’t delay for anyone to accord you glassware. Our assumption is that a lot of wine lovers out there — like us — use their accustomed glasses for years, until they breach them. We’d appetite you to absorb some time this weekend affairs a new set of accustomed glasses for yourself. Just because they are a little bit different, they will accomplish your wine-drinking acquaintance a little bit fresher, a little bit added pleasurable, a little bit added fun. And all that for the amount of one acceptable canteen of wine, maybe is a good place for you.